climate change сегодня:
Pakistan PM highlights vulnerabilities at climate moot
The Pakistani prime minister pointed the extreme vulnerability of his country to climate change. In his address at the UN-sponsored meeting on Monday, Imran Kha...
World Bank: Climate change could force 216 million people to migrate by 2050
The World Bank's latest report predicts the unbelievable changes in people's behaviour due to inevitable climatic changes. In 20-40 years, the civilization will...
Russia, EU need to team up to fight climate change
Only joint efforts imply the recognition of the accords under the Paris Agreement, so, Russia and the European Union should synchronize the work toward the glob...
Prince William: Climate change as “the most pressing challenge”
Prince William sent an Earth Day message to save the planet and noted that despite a pandemic, the year was extremely effective for inventors. In his letter ...
Nestle to invest $3.6 bn in fight against climate change
Despite the coronacrisis, Nestle is continuing its efforts to save the environment. The world’s largest food company will invest $3.6 billion over the next fiv...
Siberian Arctic ice melting faster than any year since 1979
The Siberian Arctic region loss its ice coverage faster than ever, data from the University of Colorado's National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) shows. The ...
January 2020 warmest on record: EU climate service
January 2020 set another record, the EU climate service reported: last month was the warmest January ever. Across Europe, temperatures were three degrees Celsi...