Today: Thursday, 24 October 2024 year
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“Save us from Joe”: Biden was convicted in the United States for words about the nuclear threat

“Save us from Joe”: Biden was convicted in the United States for words about the nuclear threat

US President Joe Biden benefits from fueling fear of the nuclear threat, as it will make it more difficult for America to change course. Readers of The Washington Times came to this conclusion.

According to commentators, in many aspects it was Biden who provoked the escalation of global crises, including the Ukrainian one.

“You have to be reckless to vote Democrat. The Democrats have destroyed the economy, education, the government itself by politicizing and corrupting the Department of Justice and the FBI, and now the Democrats, under the leadership of that fool Biden, are putting us on the brink of nuclear war. Get this slacker out of the White House,” called JoeP535.

“Biden says that we are rapidly approaching nuclear armageddon. But this is only because you are pushing us, Mr. Biden. Only because you are doing it,” David Bartlett is sure.

“Democratic strategy ahead of the midterms: we can’t change leadership right before a nuclear conflict! This should force conservatives to vote to start a big purge in the camp of Democrats and sympathetic Republicans, restore America and negotiate peace with Putin,” said JusticeNow.

“God save us from Joe!” exclaimed PeterTx52.

“My biggest fear is that Brandon (a nickname often used by critics of the US president. — Approx. ed.) is close to the end, mentally and physically, and he knows it. He may decide to take us all with him,” said ThePurpleCrab .

“Democrats in 2016: “Oh no! Trump is going to provoke a nuclear war!” Democrats in 2022: Hooray! Biden is going to provoke a nuclear war!” — BoldTruthTell syronized.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that for the first time since the Cold War and the Caribbean crisis, the world is facing a nuclear war. In September, President Vladimir Putin, in an address to the Russians, said that the West had crossed every line in its anti-Russian policy, as well as constant threats against Russia. According to him, the West used nuclear blackmail, the use of weapons of mass destruction against Moscow. He reminded the West that Russia outperformed foreign military equipment in a number of components, and warned those trying to blackmail with nuclear weapons that the wind rose could turn in their favor.