South Carolina сегодня:
Trump at center of all-out brawl just before South Carolina
On Saturday night, the last GOP debate before the February 20 South Carolina primary took place. The real estate billionaire and leading candidate in th...
Sanders and Clinton focus on Minnesota
Minnesota has suddenly emerged as one of the most competitive fronts on Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders, the biggest opposition in the democratic party is hoping ...
Trump’s foul mouth doesn’t sit well in South Carolina
Donald Trump's defiance of predictions to lead the polls for the GOP nomination is amazing. The real estate mogul has consistently set himself apart in ...
What Marco Rubio Must Do
Based on the disappointments the huge donations have earned, many fund-raising sources are approaching the GOP primary with extra caution. Many GOP dono...
Candidates woos minority in South Carolina
The presidential race is heat up every minute as candidates in both parties battled for the vital supports from blacks and Hispanics on Friday as the race is pr...
Carson getting a lot pressure to stay in the presidential bid
With speculations flying around about if Ben Carson would drop his presidential bids like his fellow republican counterparts, but Ben Carson reinstated his grou...
Republican candidates moves to South Carolina where dirty tricks and brawls lives
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham introduced his endorsed candidate, Jeb Bush, and he issued a warning. This is sign that the presidential campaign and fever has arrived t...