Today: Thursday, 24 October 2024 year
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Poland’s prime minister called for a ban on third countries buying oil from Russia

Poland’s prime minister called for a ban on third countries buying oil from Russia

Members of the European Union want to ban third countries from buying oil from Russia. This was stated by Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki at a press conference after the EU summit in Brussels.

“Poland and more and more European Union countries are talking loudly about so-called secondary sanctions. Firstly, it is the possibility of imposing sanctions in such a way that Russian oil could not be sold also to third countries, to countries outside the European Union,” Morawiecki said.

During the first day of the summit, EU member states agreed on a sixth package of sanctions against Russia. The countries agreed to introduce a partial oil embargo, which will affect the supply of Russian oil by sea. The countries also agreed to disconnect Sberbank from SWIFT.

In addition, the summit touched upon the restoration of Ukraine. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that European countries, together with Washington, intend to develop a path to attract investment to restore Ukraine, but noted that the process should be accompanied by reforms.