cutting-edge technologies сегодня:
Bladeless ceiling fan kills microorganisms
The fans could work even without blades, said the Singaporean researchers from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). They have presented a new generation...
A tiny air purifier that looks like an art display
The Sauberair FLAT, a Taiwan-based company, has presented a tiny air purifier that looks like an art display. In its efforts to get rid of the bulky ugly home ...
‘Pandemic drone’ could spot those who are infected
The smart drone was developed by engineers from Australia and tech specialists from Canada. Amid the coronavirus crisis, such 'pandemic drone' could detect cor...
Architects transform rundown rental into a solar-powered home
The project presented by the Argentinian architects shows not only a careful balance between conservation and restoration but rentability, taking into account ...
Elon Musk’s Neuralink awaiting FDA approval
Neuralink, one of the biggest and the most controversial Elon Musk's projects, has submitted for FDA approval for its data transmission system between people a...
Japan, Philippines partner for smart city solutions
Japan's companies will support the Philippines to create smart city solutions- Hitachi, NEC Corporation, Tokyo Gas showcased their cutting-edge techs in smart c...
Google launches iMessage, WhatsApp rival
Google coders have created a new app Chat, which becomes a rival to both WhatsApp and Apple's iMessage. On Friday, the tech giant announced that it has launched...