Today: Monday, 27 January 2025 year

Hillary Clinton, optimistic ahead of North Carolina primary

Hillary Clinton, optimistic ahead of North Carolina primary

There are just a few days left until the North Carolina primary, scheduled for March 15, but Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton seems confident in her chances of scoring another win, especially after most polls revealed that she is the favorite.

This Thursday, the former First Lady gathered her supporters at Hillside High School, in her attempt to secure as many delegates as possible, in order to offset close races, and potential loses in Ohio and Illinois, says The Atlantic.

A ‘revenge’ for the 2008 loss is required

Of course, Hillary Clinton is looking forward to obtain a good result among black voters as well, somehow compensating for what happened back in 2008. Even though the North Carolina primary was then programmed for May, then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama obtained a huge victory, which was one of the final blows to Mrs. Clinton’s nomination bid.

The exit-polls revealed that black voters had a big influence on this result, so in 2016, Hillary Clinton is relying exactly on them, hoping to outcome Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Important supporters among black leaders

At her rally at Hillside High School she was accompanied by a group of important black politicians, like Mayor Bill Bell, North Carolina House Democratic Leader Larry Hall, and U.S. Representative G.K. Butterfield, leader of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Like expected, in her discourse, Hillary Clinton also took shots at national Republicans, alongside some subtle hints at her main opponent’s policies, Bernie Sanders.

“I am not a one-issue candidate because this is not a one-issue country,” she said, a standard line against Sanders. Still, the crowd erupted when she mentioned the law the Vermont Senator voted back in 2005, granting gun manufacturers immunity from lawsuits by shooting victims.

Not just once Hillary Clinton said that she wants to continue President Obama’s policies and this includes changing gun regulations as well.

Education is one of the focus points of Hillary Clinton’s campaign

Otherwise, her speech focused on public education and her intentions of bashing the state’s Republican leadership, criticizing the conservative policy changes the GOP enacted since 2012.

“There should not be a public school in this country where any person would not want to send a child,” she said. “Look in a mirror and say, would you send your child or grandchild to this school? And if the answer is no, do something about it!”

Finally, she mentioned the moment in the 80s, when her husband, Bill Clinton, then the Governor of Arkansas, put her in charge with an overhaul of the state’s schools, claiming that North Carolina was a great example at that time.

“For the life of me I don’t know why Republicans have such a problem with funding public schools,” Hillary Clinton said, quoted by The Atlantic. “Public education remains the foundation of our democracy.”

We’re definitely looking forward to seeing the results of the North Carolina primary and, of course, if she managed to gain black voters’ trust.