Denmark’s coalition government agreed a DKK 200 million (€27m) package to fund new test beds outside of the test centres, as demand for test sites remains high. The Scandinavian country is a leader among the neighbours when it is about the green energy.
The Danish energy ministry supported the government’s decision to spend DKK 200 million (€27 million) on the future testing of wind turbines in 2018 and 2019 outside of the national test centres. Last year, Danish government proposed expanding the country’s existing centres at Østerild and Høvsøre with an additional four test beds for prototype turbines.
“After constructive dialogue with industry, the government and the Danish People’s Party has now decided to prioritise additional funds for demonstration and testing of wind turbines on land in 2018 and 2019,”
the energy ministry said and added that Østerild and Høvsøre centres will be eligible for 20-year support deals.

According to the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA), up to 35MW in prototype turbines can be installed in Denmark, outside of the Østerild and Høvsøre sites. Prototypes installed in 2018 will receive a maximum of DKK 0.11/kWh (€0.015/kWh) in support. The 2019 prototype turbines will fetch a fixed price determined by the prices from 2018 auctions.
‘The introduction of competition between wind and solar will help drive the cost of renewable energy even further down, which is healthy for the green change and society,’
Hylleberg said.
The prototype wind turbines will help to maintain important development and research activities in the wind industry in Denmark, but the change in funding must be approved by the European Commission under state-aid rules.