Today: Monday, 21 October 2024 year

Last news

Biden called on Aliyev to complete work on a peace agreement with Armenia.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry confirmed the death of Gülen, accused of attempting a coup.
The President of Brazil suffered an injury to the back of his head.
The number of those who voted for and against European integration of Moldova was almost equal.
WHO has recognized Egypt as a malaria-free country. WHO has certified Egypt as a malaria-free country, marking a historic milestone in the fight against the disease, the organization said in a press release. “The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Egypt as malaria-free, a significant public health achievement for a country of more than 100 million people,” the organization said in a statement on its website. The WHO added that the achievement was the result of “nearly 100 years of efforts by the Egyptian government and people” to prevent the disease, which has been prevalent in the country since ancient times. WHO grants malaria-free status to a country if it provides detailed and reliable evidence that the chain of transmission of malaria-carrying mosquitoes has been interrupted throughout its entire territory for at least the last three years. Malaria is an infection transmitted through a mosquito bite. WHO previously reported that despite progress, the African region continues to be hit hardest by the deadly disease.
In Cuba, it was not possible to restore the energy supply system.
Vučić asked for US support in protecting the Serbs in Kosovo.
Musk promised to give away a million dollars every day.
The turnout in the elections in Moldova by 8:30 was 2.38 percent.
The world’s first trials of a drug against the Marburg virus have begun in Rwanda.
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Last news for today

18 : 35
Biden called on Aliyev to complete work on a peace agreement with Armenia.
11 : 44
The Turkish Foreign Ministry confirmed the death of Gülen, accused of attempting a coup.
11 : 42
The President of Brazil suffered an injury to the back of his head.
07 : 18
The number of those who voted for and against European integration of Moldova was almost equal.
07 : 16
WHO has recognized Egypt as a malaria-free country. WHO has certified Egypt as a malaria-free country, marking a historic milestone in the fight against the disease, the organization said in a press release. “The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Egypt as malaria-free, a significant public health achievement for a country of more than 100 million people,” the organization said in a statement on its website. The WHO added that the achievement was the result of “nearly 100 years of efforts by the Egyptian government and people” to prevent the disease, which has been prevalent in the country since ancient times. WHO grants malaria-free status to a country if it provides detailed and reliable evidence that the chain of transmission of malaria-carrying mosquitoes has been interrupted throughout its entire territory for at least the last three years. Malaria is an infection transmitted through a mosquito bite. WHO previously reported that despite progress, the African region continues to be hit hardest by the deadly disease.
17 : 16
In Cuba, it was not possible to restore the energy supply system.
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The story is about a citizen of Ukraine, a resident of Britain, France and the USA, a successful businessman and just a positive person, transferred  the money of partners into his “financial harbor”.


The year 2022 was marked for the world as the beginning of  hostilities on the European continent. Millions of Ukrainian refugees poured  into the EU countries. The  worldactivated it’s support towards the disadvantaged  and affected by the war.  But the European community is far from being a life-saving raft for all Ukrainians. For some citizens this is also a good method for earning. Moreover, earnings that are not always legal. The story further  narrates about one of these actor.




Dmitro Vizelman was born in 1965 in Lvov, Ukraine. He started  his activity with small business schemes, unatractive in any way. But the 90s became a golden time for many dishonest businessmen. So, the same happened with the hero of our story. In 90s  Dmitry lived  in Cherkassy, well-known Ukrainian city. Residents of Cherkassy write about this period:

“Like all cities in Ukraine in the 1990s,  Cherkassy was characterized by the activation of criminals  at the ordinary level as well as in  the high positions level: bandits tried to control over the city. Сomparing with other large cities in Ukraine in  90s, Cherkassy took  one of the first places by the number of banditism. In the 90s, Cherkassy was marked as one of the first cities with high level banditry as compared to other big cities. The local police tried to suppress  the criminals, but  it was not possible till uncertain  times.”


Criminal trail


Being on the wanted list, Vizelman hid himself in Germany as  refugee, where he began selling counterfeit cigarettes. Later when he has followed by  Berlin police, he escaped to Miami, and  immediately fell under legal proceedings there.


Being actively engaged in “business” in the USA, Dmitro Borisovich did not forget about his homeland – Ukraine. At that time, being granted citizen of  the UK, Vizelman twice got into scandal schemes for illegally obtaining of building plots providing forged documents. He  practiced that further,  but more on that later.


Dmitro Vizelman practiced more and more sophisticated enrichment schemes in more exotic jurisdictions. So, some years ago  together with his partner in incorporate business,  Dmitry Borisovich implemented a project in the Philippines. Nor more nor less – it was  a construction and building  of a plant costed  more than  $ 30 million. Investors were found cheated provided false documents for the ownership a number of companies in the Philippines. As a result, instead of the plant, Vizelman‘s partners received a non-functioning warehouse of rusty iron, and most of the investment flew into the pockets of Dmitro and his accomplices.


For the implementation of his schemes, Dmitro Borisovich often uses personal accounts opened  in eminent banks – Barclays bank, Raiffeisen, EFG (Monako), etc. They were used for money  transfer from partners who strongly  believed in the success of Vizelman‘s business ideas.


Family business


How did Wieselman found victims of his manipulations? Actually, his  wife actively supperted him in his deals.  They made acquaintance with wealthy ladies … in the synagogue. The Jewish diaspora of very wealthy people in Monaco is a quite  closedsociety. It was the place where  Diana Vizelman found the wives of wealthy businessmen, gained their trust and consequently with Dmitro penetrated to local parties. Those were the hangouts,  where the husband  promoted his business ideas, that  turns out to be a loss of money for entrepreneurs.


Bellow is a  small  list of victims of Dmitro Borisovich: Robert Gaspar, Alexander Bronstein, Mr. MonasirTofig ArifActually,  the last one filed a lawsuit  for  the amount of $20 million in the London court on Vizelman. As a result, Dmitry was forced to  hide his property, transferring it to fake people and selling it in the market (ed. note – an apartment in Miami).


The total amount of stolen funds is approaching $100 million.