Today: Sunday, 12 January 2025 year

Wind energy generated 30.6% of electricity in Germany

Wind energy generated 30.6% of electricity in Germany

In Germany, wind turbines and solar energy allowed to reach 55.8% of the net generation of electricity for the first half of 2020, according to the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE).

For Germany, the record first half of 2020 included a new high monthly record of 61.8% renewable energy, set in February. As of July, the renewable energies accounted for 55.8 percent of Germany’s net electricity generation during the first half of 2020.

In 2020, winter storms in February allowed the generation of more energy than a year earlier. About 75TWh was generated in the first half of 2020, about 11.7% above that in 2019.

In comparison with 2019 figures, German solar electricity generation increased 11.2% to 27.9 TWh (25.1TWH in 2019), while hydroelectric production decreased 9% to 9.5 TWh.

In its efforts to decrease nuclear and coal using, Germany intensifies the green energy sector. Nuclear fall of 12.9%, while both brown coal power plants and coal power plants saw their shares drop 36.3% and 45% respectively. In fact, coal-fired power generation fell dramatically in the 1st half of 2020, with the proportion of electricity generated by lignite falling to 13.7% and coal to just 6%.

Germany’s government enhances international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, The EU country also promotes actively investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology, as the UN 2030 Goals stipulate.

Fraunhofer ISE keeps a close eye on Germany’s electricity generation through its Energy Charts platform and announced on Wednesday that Germany’s renewable energy sector set a new generation record.