Last time, trying to have legalization in EU countries more and more Russian businessmen use unscrupulous and dirty methods. They apply selfish donations and outright fraudulent schemes. They are ready to do everything for the feeling of belonging “there”, at the same time to preserving acquired wealth they earned “here”.
Trying to sit on two chairs and continue to earn money outside the country, some particularly adventurous business representatives perform direct violations not only of Russian but European legislation. Default of contract obligations, machinations and dishonesty – these are the first steps of new citizens in civilized European countries.
But when it comes to the matter of not received money Themis is ruthless and lawsuits begin.
The editors have information about the Russian businessmenwho were figured out as participants of lawsuits related to default of their obligations to European organizations. However, the businessman who will be discussed below is suing not onlywith Europeans.
Beginning of our story did not predict any force majeure. On March 1, 2022, Evgeniy Semenov, Russian citizen but who lived in Turkey for some time and the Equal Rights Foundation located in London made an agreement. In a accordance with the agreement businessman bind himself to donate 50,000 sterling and cryptocurrencies to the Fund, and Foundation undertook the obligation to send a Recommendation Letter to Moldova Foreign Affairs Ministry obtaining citizenship of Republic of Moldova for Evgeniy Semenov, “taking into considerationspecial services to the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union.”
At the same time, the Donor, Evgeniy Semenov, who signed an agreement, was aware of what his “donations” would be used for – a wallet to which Russian citizen had to send cryptocurrencies in the amount of 360,000 hryvnia was created by Ukraine Digital Transformation Ministry for collecting donations and supporting Ukraine Armed Forces.
The Equal Rights Foundation without wasting time fulfilled their part of the agreement, and on March 7, 2022, sent a Recommendation Letter to Moldova Foreign Affairs Ministry , detailing how Mr. Semenov, left Russia in 2022, lost his home, but however, on monthly basis forwarded “part of his profits from business to different funds, supporting citizens of Ukraine and the Ukraine Armed Forces. Also, the letter states that he took an active part in various humanitarian actions.”
The Foundation expresses the hope that the person of high moral character, professionalism and active citizenship, but persecuted for his ideological and political beliefs, will find a home and protection in Moldova.

However, the “deeply respectable and professional” Semenov was not in a hurry to fulfil his obligations. To the matter of fact, on March 2, he transferred cryptocurrencies in the amount ofover $ 9,000 to specified bank account, which corresponded to 360,000 hryvnia at the exchange rate on the date of transfer and which has been documented. But the equal rights activists didn’t received a transfer to the Fundation’s account, and filed a claim to the Tatarstan Arbitration Court, as well as with PrivolzhskyDistrict Court in Kazan, at the place of Semenov’s registration. They demand from defendant more than 6 million rubles – the same 50 thousand pounds sterling for a Recommendation Letter to Moldova Foreign Ministry, which can not longer be recalled. To be fair, we note that the defendant did not seem to cheat with Foundation. According to his version, he would be happy to transfer the agreed amount, but he had difficulties “blocking of his accounts in Ukraine,” which he has not been able to solve for two and a half years.

What do we know about the life of Mr. Semenov? What made him so passionately strive for Europe? After all, he is not a poor man. All in all, Evgeniy Semenov has a difficult situation, and only the Court can sort it out. It is the Law Enforcement Officers who must give the cue to confused Russian businessman how to make money in Russia, live in Turkey, finance the Ukrainian Armed Forces and aspire Moldovan citizenship.