Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025 year

Merkel about the phenomenon of terror in EU

Merkel about the phenomenon of terror in EU

Angela Merkel explained her position regarding refugee and underlined that terror in EU is not linked with the guests from the East and Middle Africa. On Wednesday, in her statement, the Chancellor emphasized that the “phenomenon of terror” was not started in Germany by asylum seekers.

Merkel defends the refugees, on Wednesday she noted in her speech that no need to blame the refugees in the starting the terror in EU. The Germany Chancellor started her campaign rally for upcoming state elections, on Wednesday she visited Neustrelitz. Merkel underlined that:

“The phenomenon of the Islamist terrorism of Isis is not a phenomenon that has come to us through refugees, but rather one which we’ve already had here before.”

Among the receipts of surviving in this cruel world, Merkel advised acting through digitalization and social media, which must help to adapt Germans and refugees in their daily life. The summer in Germany was really hellish, EU country was shaken by a string of terror attacks. During one week in Jule, for example, two of three incidents have been linked to ISIS jihadists.