Today: Friday, 7 February 2025 year

Luxembourg is one of 6 countries to give men and women equal legal work rights

Luxembourg is one of 6 countries to give men and women equal legal work rights

Luxembourg is a country with an impressive work ethic standards, the EU member is among six states where women and men given equal legal work rights, Luxembourg Times reported.

According to a new study, there are only six countries on the planet where men and women have equal work rights, and Luxembourg is one of those comfortable countries to work. The World Bank’s women business and the law 2019 report looks at gender discrimination and reforms across 187 countries worldwide over the past 10 years. According to the WB’s conclusions, there are many optimistic findings that showed significant progress in work ethic over the past decade.

“Six economies—Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden—score 100 in the Women, Business and the Law index, meaning they give women and men equal legal rights in the measured areas,” reads the 2019 WB report.

According to the 2019 WB report, France had the biggest improvement among the top performers, going from a score of 91.88 in the index ten years ago to 100 now by implementing a domestic violence law, providing criminal penalties for workplace sexual harassment and introducing paid parental leave.

The average global score is 74.71, indicating that a typical economy gives women only three-fourths the legal rights of men in the measured areas. In 2009, the global average score was 70.06. Since then, 131 economies have made 274 reforms to laws and regulations increasing gender equality in the areas measured in the index.

“These reforms led to a 4.65 point increase in the average global score,” the report read.

Another way to interpret this improvement is that on average, two of the 35 data points measured in the index reformed. These reforms include the 35 economies that introduced laws protecting women from sexual harassment at work, protecting nearly two billion more women than a decade ago.