Today: Friday, 7 March 2025 year

Bernie Sanders’ final push is an ad meant to surprise

Bernie Sanders’ final push is an ad meant to surprise

With less than two weeks before the first votes are are cast in the 2016 Democratic race against Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders is doing everything he can to make sure that he has enough chances to win this battle, says The Washington Post. His latest try? An 60 seconds ad with folk legends.

Images of Iowa farms, the New Hampshire seacoast, coffee shops, kitchen tables and thousands and thousands of inspired Bernie Sanders supporters, alogside folk singers Simon & Garfunkel are part of a new Bernie Sanders campaign ad.

Your not-so-average campaign ad

This one last 60 seconds and has a unique distinction: not a single word is spoken, aside from the lyrics to the classic Simon & Garfunkel song “America” and the line at the end, confirms the same source. In the final moments of the spot, the Vermont Senator says with his Brooklyn accent “I’m Bernie Sanders, and I approve this message”.

Images of Sanders supporters interacting with and listening to the democratic candidate at his events scattered with more footage of everyday American life could make quite an impression on future voters. Some expected Bernie Sanders to continue on his agenda’s ideas, but it looks like this time he chose a non-coventional method to make his “voice” heared and specialists tend to give credit to the Vermont Senator.

Bernie’s message, promoted heavily

Simon & Garfunkel’s “America”, a song about a young couple hitchhiking across the county, is sang through the 60-second ad and “They’ve all come to look for America” is the duo’s headline. “This campaign is not about me. It is not about Hillary Clinton or any other candidate. This campaign is about you, your kids and your parents. It is about creating a political movement of millions of people who stand up and loudly proclaim that this nation belongs to all of us and not just a handful of billionaires.”, said Bernie Sanders in a statement, according to CNN.

Tad Devine, Sanders’ top strategist, said that another ad will probably air just before the first votes. “It’s a big part of our closing advertising campaign. We will probably have another spot as well before the end in Iowa and New Hampshire.”, stated Devine, quoted by the same source.

You’ll never guess the targeted states…

The spot will be seen starting Friday in both Iowa and New Hampshire, says Politico, states where Bernie Sanders is doing a comeback. Recent polls confirm that a Sanders victory over there is quite possible.

Michael Briggs, Sanders’ spokesman, confirmed on Thursday, according to CNN, that “the use of the song was properly licensed.”