Today: Tuesday, 11 February 2025 year

Agency places travel nurses to help combat coronavirus outbreak

Agency places travel nurses to help combat coronavirus outbreak

Amid coronacrisis outbreak, the world is facing a huge increase in demand of nurses. Especially, travel nurses. Next Move, a staffing agency supplies travel nurses has seen during the COVID-19 pandemic

The staffing agency Next Move specialises in travel nurses – the medical staff who take up short term positions, normally for around 13 weeks, Springwise reports. ​

The current situation in public health across the globe is extremely imbalanced. That is why travel nursing tends to pay higher wages than a normal position and allows nurses to gain experience while travelling and having adventures, and to try out working in different parts of the country before making a permanent move.

Next Move reports that a large number of travel nurses have approached the agency to ask where they can be of the most help. Taking into account that hospitals in the US and elsewhere are straining to care for the huge influx of COVID-19 patients, the nursing staffing agency has seen its business take off.

To sum it up, Next Move does its best, placing travel nurses across the globe. The unique agency has only been in business for a year but has seen its business take off as it works to supply nurses to hospitals coping with the coronavirus outbreak.

Travel nurses as the new popular trend

Many hospitals are facing a nursing shortage due to a number of factors, including growing patient numbers, the fact that some hospitals have had to quarantine large numbers of their staff, and an increase in the need to rapidly replace sick team members. At the same time, a large number of private hospitals are closing down or cutting staff, due to a shortage of paying patients.

Founder John Nolan cautions that agency is honest with nurses who have asked to help:

“There’s no way to comprehend what it’s like to go to work for 18 hours and have all your patients die, not be able to take any breaks, be way understaffed, and not have enough protection equipment,” Nolan said.

Next Move is one of many innovative companies that is adapting its business model to the growing numbers of people who want to work and travel at the same time.

As the founders suggest, Next Move had expected to see around $8.5 million in revenue this year but now predicts between $13 and $14 million.