Today: Monday, 10 March 2025 year

Cruz and Kasich team up!

Cruz and Kasich team up!

While the Democratic race for winning the nomination is a two-man race, the GOP still had three candidates believing in their chances. Well, we’re pretty sure that Ohio Governor John Kasich was aware that his chances were almost zero, but he kept running and gaining delegates.

Of course, we were looking forward to an announcement about him suspending his campaign, since it’s obvious that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are the two main competitors here. And it happened…

Kasich might have a secret purpose…

John Kasich had two options: endorsing Donald Trump and making his road to winning the nomination easier or team up with Ted Cruz and allow the Texas Senator to maintain his hope alive. He opted for the second variant and announced that the main reason behind this was his desire to stop Hillary Clinton from winning the elections.

Apparently, both Kasich and Cruz, alongside several important GOP members, believe that Donald Trump wouldn’t stand a chance in a direct confrontation with the former Secretary of State, so they’re doing everything they can in order to stop the businessman from securing more delegates. But things are a bit different…

Still, even though at a first sight this seems as a good plan, the alliance is actually pretty faulty, the candidates showing that they aren’t fully committed to the idea.

For example, at a diner in Philadelphia, John Kasich declared that he wouldn’t direct his supporters to vote Ted Cruz in this state.

This is far from being an actual alliance

“I’ve never told them not to vote for me. They ought to vote for me, but I’m not over there campaigning and spending resources,” he said. Even more, the Ohio governor will still be on the ballot in Indiana.

If you ask us, the term “alliance” is a bit too much, as everything Kasich and Cruz did was to reach an agreement that implies avoiding reciprocal attacks in three states, while the groups supporting the two will do the same. Also, the Ohio Governor said that he won’t actually help Ted Cruz to win the nomination, but to better allocate resources to ensure an open convention, says NBC news.

“But look, this is a matter of resources and, you know, we’re running a national campaign and we want to apply our resources where we think they can be used most effectively and it’s all designed to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president,” he said.

Trump is not worried

Of course, Donald Trump had something to say about this, but, to our big surprise, he didn’t seemed disturbed at all. On the contrary, he took it very well.

“Actually I was happy because it shows how weak they are. It shows how pathetic they are,” Trump said during one of his rallies from Rhode Island, quoted by NBC News. “Honestly, it shows such total weakness, and it’s pathetic, when two longtime insider politicians, establishment guys whether you like it or not, have to collude, have to get together, to try and beat a guy that really speaks what the people want.”

Considering that his chances at winning the nomination are almost zero, we would be very curious to know what Cruz promised Kasich if this so-called alliance brings the desired results…