Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

Venezuelan general implies Cuba killed Chavez to install Maduro in power

Venezuelan general implies Cuba killed Chavez to install Maduro in power

A Venezuelan leader Maduro all the time calls Juan Guaido a Washington puppet, but he is also depends very hard from the Cuban suport, said Venezuelan general Ramón Rangel in the unexpected video posted by his attorney to social media Sunday. As Breitbart understood, Gen Rangel believes that President Chavez was deliberately killed by the Cubans to pave the way for Nicolas Maduro.

Army General Rangel was a participant in a failed coup d’etat alongside Hugo Chávez in 1992. To rise up soldiers against Nicolas Maduro, he uploaded the video where he tells his vision of the situation plus some retrospective into modern Venezual poltical history. According to Rangel, Havana communist government killed Chávez to install Maduro as their puppet.

General Ramón Rangel who lived in Cuba for six years supervising a “mixed enterprise” project that Chávez established with the Castro regime on the island. Living there made it clear to him that the oligarchy presiding over Cuba is not the best option for people. In his video, Rangel accused the Castro regime of exporting its policies to Venezuela with the intent of using its resources to enrich the Castro family and its hangers-on even more than their repression in Cuba had.

Maduro used to rely on the imported Cuban soldiers

Maduro is heavily dependent on Cuban regime agents to control the country. President has imported nearly 100,000 Cuban government soldiers and other officers to help repress political dissidents, ship Venezuela’s crude oil to Cuba, distribute food and medical supplies only to Maduro supporters, and torture opposition leaders in political prisons.

Meanwhile, Havana has denied having any military presence in Venezuela, claiming that the only Cuban nationals in the country are slave doctors. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla called American National Security Advisor John Bolton a “pathological liar” this month for advising Cuba to remove its troops from Venezuela.