Today: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 year

Vatican recalls priest amid another child pornography case

Vatican recalls priest amid another child pornography case

Vatican diplomat whose name is unknown and who works in the Embassy in the United States suspected of possessing child pornography images. The Holy See has already recalled this person from its Embassy in Washington after US prosecutors said they wanted to charge diplomat for child abuse images.

Vatican supports “zero tolerance” for sexual abuse, so when the State Department asked Vatican to lift his diplomatic immunity of the unnamed diplomat of possessing abuse images that included pre-pubescent children, Holy See started is own investigation.

Now Vatican launched their own probe, seeks evidence from the US and if the accusations pan out, the case becomes another embarrassment for the Vatican and Pope Francis. Despite pontiff’s pledge to fight with the sexual abuse, his people let him down time by time.

So far, The Holy See has recalled a high-ranking priest working as a diplomat in the embassy in Washington. The investigation on a high-ranking member of its diplomatic corps is underway, however, it is not the first case. In 2013, Vatican has recalled its envoys, then-ambassador to the Dominican Republic was recalled after being accused of sexually abusing young boys on the Caribbean island.