Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

Trump says Russia should be part of G7 summit

Trump says Russia should be part of G7 summit

President Trump insists that Russia should be an integral part of the G7 summit, BB reports. According to American leader, the meeting’s format G8 is much better because it is reflecting the real status of the foreign affairs and international developments.

Russian Federation was punished for Crimea annexation and ousted from G8 in 2014, but the US President says Russia should back to this club.

The build-up to the meeting has seen major disagreements between the US president and other nations over his imposition of trade tariffs. There are also likely to be disagreements with Donald Trump over Iran and climate change. In 2018, G7 grouped with Canada, the US, the UK, France, Italy, Japan and Germany, is being held in the town of La Malbaie in Quebec, Canada.

Mr Trump said in his straightforward manner that it is time to readmitted Russia in G7 summit.

“You know, whether you like it or – and it may not be politically correct – but we have a world to run and in the G7, which used to be the G8, they threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back in,”

the US president said. He is not only one who wants Russia back. Trump found support in the shape of the newly installed Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who tweeted that it was “in the interests of everyone” for Russia to be readmitted. But Canada, France and the UK immediately signalled they remain opposed.

Previous G7 meetings have seen huge protests, and about 8,000 soldiers and police officers are expected to be on hand during the 2018 Quebec event.