Today: Thursday, 16 January 2025 year

The White House: Donald Trump prepares for second summit with Kim Jong Un

The White House: Donald Trump prepares for second summit with Kim Jong Un

The White House’s press secretary Sarah Sanders rejected suggestions that the US and North Korea had made no progress towards the goal outlined in the first summit in Singapore. Donald Trump makes some preparations to the new summit with Kim Jong Un, FT reported.

North Korea’s military parade this weekend impressed many countries on the planet, including the United States. After such a huge event, Ms Sanders noted that parade was one of the first times North Korea has had parades similar where they weren’t highlighting their nuclear arsenal.

‘We consider that a sign of good faith,’

said the White House’s spokesperson.

Earlier, North Korea has expressed frustration that several actions — such as the demolishing of the entrance to its nuclear site, and the dismantling of a missile launch facility — have not produced reciprocal measures from the US. After Mike Pompeo visited Pyongyang in the wake of the Singapore summit, North Korean media accused him of making “gangster-like” demands. But the regime has largely refrained from criticising President Trump, in a move that analysts say shows that Mr Kim views Mr Trump as critical to any progress.

Pyongyang’s letter comes a day after Yukiya Amano, the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog, warned that North Korea’s ongoing nuclear activities violated UN Security Council resolutions. Despite, international inspectors are banned from North Korea, Mr Amano said they were ready to return if a political agreement could be reached and that ‘very warm, very positive’ atmosphere could be restored.

Although, the relations between the US and North Korea are rather tense, Seoul has this year played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between Pyongyang and Washington and salvaging talks when they look set to fall apart.