Silvio Berlusconi is the four-time former prime minister of Italy who has the chance to return to power. The recent poll showed that charismatic but controversial politician is still popular.
The Italian politician and businessman Silvio Berlusconi who turns 81 in September, is able to become the prime minister, again. According to the recent Ipsos poll, such U-turn is quite possible.
Despite having been expelled from the Italian Senate in 2013 for his conviction for tax fraud, the four-time PM refused to retire. Even Berlusconi’s doctor has reportedly joked that ex-PM is “technically immortal.” In fact, this smart gentleman has enormous experience that could be extremely useful in the current political situation. Moreover, he is a friend of Vladimir Putin, no need to underestimate that fact, too.

Ipsos Poll: Mr Berlusconi has a chance to become next PM
The four-time Italian PM Berlusconi’s bounce back was a real surprise. But immortal Silvio Berlusconi is full of fresh ideas and original political solutions. According to the Ipsos poll, the center-right coalition (Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, conservative parties Lega Nord plus Fratelli d’Italia) could capture up to 35 percent of votes.
“We would say that this is a quite an amazing result for a leader who first became prime minister in 1994 – when other current leaders barely had a driving license,”
Mario Barogiola said.
In other words, the media mogul Berlusconi is similar to Donald Trump, both them has enough power to make the solid base to reach the top in politics. Always smiling and jovial Berlusconi could go for the PM’s chair again should forthcoming regional election results see more support for the center-right and a scenario favoring a coalition at the expense of the ruling PD party.