Today: Sunday, 12 January 2025 year

‘Republican Women for Hillary’ to support Clinton

‘Republican Women for Hillary’ to support Clinton
Jennifer Lim organized a group for support Hillary Clinton, it is another her initiative in the frame of volunteering work for Republican causes and campaigns. After the latest statement of Donald Trump regarding protectionism in the U.S. economic, members of ‘Republican Women for Hillary’ intended to provide an extra support to Clinton.
An organizer of the special group of Republican women Jennifer Lim wants to clash the bombastic-styled Trump and to pay more attention to the Hillary Clinton economic plans. As Lim said:
“This is not a position I ever wanted to find myself in. But it’s important that when things like this happen that people speak up.”
That’s why group ‘Republican Women for Hillary’ decided to give some extra support to Clinton and avoid destroying the party. In fact, Lim assured it won’t stop Trump but make his presidential race a bit complicated at least.
Jennifer Lim notes, that their group is an activist cell, not the part of Clinton campaign and  ‘Republican Women for Hillary’ are not affiliated with it. In May brave Republicans cell launched accounts on Facebook and Twitter, where people can get information about their plans, e.g. making an appearance at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia in July. And to stop Donald Trump, of course.