Today: Monday, 16 September 2024 year

Nicaragua protests: Thousands support for Catholic Church

Nicaragua protests: Thousands support for Catholic Church

Nicaraguans have a great respect for the Catholic Church whose bishops are siding with the opposition and encouraging protests in the country, BBC said. After April anti-Ortega protests, an unrest in Nicaragua is continuing.

While Nicaragua’s government accuses Catholic Church od supporting the opposition and boiling the unrest in the country, thousands of anti-government protesters in Nicaragua have taken part in a march to show support for the Roman Catholic Church. Followers of other religious denominations and non-believers joined the march in Managua.

In April, more than 300 people have died since protests against President Daniel Ortega began. They demanded “Justice!” and “Freedom!” were some of the slogans shouted by demonstrators. Monsignor Carlos Avilés also supported the protesters, saying:

“Our temples will always be open to those who need them.”

According to the analysts, an alliance of rogue regimes in Latin America could destabilize the region, disrupt U.S. allies and expand an alliance of authoritarian governments south of the border.

“As Nicaragua follows Venezuela’s dangerous path, the U.S. should be prepared to take further action with our regional allies to address the threat of these regimes,”

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida told The Washington Times. Rubio is known as a leading voice on Latin American issues on Capitol Hill, he blasted Daniel Ortega’s government for its lethal crackdown on the street protests. The American politician warned the Nicaraguan authorities about the possibility of a civil war in that Latin America country, adding that there’s no future for Ortega and his supporters in power.

Marco Rubio about Nicaragua’s crisis

Sen. Rubio added that Senate is working on standing up sanctions against Nicaraguan entities and individuals as punishment for the unrest.

Mr Rubio castigated Ortega and Murillo for not staving off the protests with democratic concessions, underlined that the civil unrest could have been avoided weeks ago

“The message to the Nicaraguan regime under Ortega was very clear, and that is: You call early elections, you allow legitimate elections, and this thing can move forward and everyone’s going to be fine. But if you soak your hands in blood, all of that’s off the table. They decided to soak their hands in blood,”

Senator Rubio concluded.