Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

Merkel: EU is ‘ready to start Brexit negotiations’

Merkel: EU is ‘ready to start Brexit negotiations’

Angela Merkel while her press conference in Mexico said that Germany is ready for the negotiations with the UK on Brexit. The Chancellor noted that parties should do it quickly, respecting the calendar.

The German leader expressed her professional opinion regarding the Brexit and the whole situation with Brexit. According to Mrs Merkel, Germany waits for the election in Britain, at the same time, no need to underestimate that talks on Brexit should start as sonn as possible.

‘We will defend the interests of the 27 member states, and Britain will defend its own interests,’

added Merkel, expressing the hope tht UK will remain a good partner following the talks, due to begin on 19 June.

Theresa May

Merkel on UK, Brexit, May

Angela Merkel made her first comment since Britain PM Theresa May’s Conservative party lost 13 seats. The short of a majority in parliament made talks imbalanced and uncertain. Mrs May called the snap election in order to secure a clear mandate for her vision of Brexit.

The prime minister says she will form a government with the Democratic Unionist Party from Northern Ireland, which won 10 seats. Mrs May noted that the country should be guided by this Government through the crucial Brexit talks. According to schedule, the negotiations begins on June 19.

EC about Brexit talks

Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the European Commission, said he wanted discussions to proceed without delay, while Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator for Brexit, said “negotiations should start when UK is ready”.

European Council President Donald Tusk alluded to the March 2019 deadline for Brexit negotiations.

“We don’t know when Brexit talks start. We know when they must end. Do your best to avoid a ‘no deal’ as result of ‘no negotiations’,”

Tusk wrote.