Kevin Spacey, one of the brightest and gifted American actors, has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenager who accused House of Cards’ star of the sexual harassment at a bar in Massachusetts.
The hearings set in court on 7 January over the incident which reportedly occurred in Nantucket in July 2016, prior to 2018 Anthony Rapp’s accusations, which ruined the career of Mr Spacey. This time, allegations came from the son of former TV news presenter Heather Unruh. She accused HoC’s star of buying her then 18-year-old son alcohol and then groping him. In fact, the drinking age in Massachusetts is 21.
Kevin has posted a video on Monday, the three-minute clip is titled Let Me Be Frank. The actor says he is certainly not going to pay the price for the things he didn’t do. Talking to his followers, Spacey added he denies any wrongdoing while in character as Mr Underwood from House of Cards.
“You wouldn’t believe the worst without evidence, would you?” he asks. “You wouldn’t rush to judgements without facts.”
In the video, Mr Spacey looks and acts very alike Frank Underwood’s character. The actor uses his accent and addresses the viewer directly as he did throughout his five brilliant seasons on the world-famous political drama. “Of course some believed everything,” Spacey says.
“They’re going to say I’m being disrespectful, not playing by the rules,” Kevin adds. “Like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I never did. And you loved it.”
The video marks Spacey’s first public appearance since the first allegation of sexual assault was made against him last November.
Kevin Spacey’s career was totally ruined by Anthony Rapp

Last November, Mr Spacey was accused by actor Anthony Rapp of making a sexual advance in 1986 and a number of other allegations have since emerged. Spacey said he had no memory of the event but publicly apologised before issuing an “absolute” denial of the other allegations.
Meanwhile, the UK police are also investigating several allegations that centre around Mr Spacey’s time serving as artistic director at London’s Old Vic theatre.