Today: Thursday, 16 January 2025 year

Hillary Clinton, queen of polls

Hillary Clinton, queen of polls

Last week fo Hillary Clinton was extremely successful. The press calls her now The queen of polls. After the laying out the plans regarding the economy, Clinton won more supporters than even before. Donald Trump has strengthened his positions, too.

Hillary Clinton now is the queen of polls, this week she won even more supporters, according to the polls. Both candidates, Democratic (Clinton) and Republican (Trump) laid out their plans for the economy. During one of his speeches, Trump said several times that Barack Hussein Obama was the founder of the Islamic State, but on Friday morning an eccentric Republican decided to get back his words and added he was just being sarcastic.

Anyway, Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump in every swing state, the polls’ statistic is accurate and up-to-date. The key battleground states were almost all of it favored Clinton. That’s a great win, but it’s too early to say that Trump lost. This man never give up, next week he intends to reach the status quo, say experts.

Polls results: August 14, 2016

This week’s polls illustrate the situation as if the election were held today it wouldn’t be much of a fight. Clinton ahead by 14% in Colorado, 13% in Virginia, 9% in North Carolina and 5% in Florida, informed NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll. Moreover, Dem. Clinton is ahead in Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

According to the national poll out Monday had Clinton 12 points ahead of Trump. The battle is going on.

Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Des Moines, Aug 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Des Moines, Aug 13, 2016