Today: Thursday, 6 March 2025 year

The First, North Meets South: U.N. Chief Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea To Meet Kim Jong Un

For the first time in decades, Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea, Chief of the United Nations will visit North Korea, also the first a South Korea top official visits the North after the WWII divide.

Yonhap news agency reports that this visit of the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who is a South Korean, is the first time, for a South Korean to visit the North. Also, this is the first time for a UN Secretary General to visit North Korea since 1993, when Boutros Boutros – Ghali visited the reclusive state. There are only two U.N. Chiefs who have visited North Korea, Ghali and Kurt Waldheim in 1979.

This is Ban Ki-moon’s second attempt to visit Pyongyang as U.N. Chief. His first scheduled visit was in May when he was supposed to visit the North Korean border city of Kaesong. But the trip was cancelled when Pyongyang withdrew the invitation.

A U.N. top official revealed that the Secretary-General’s visit to North Korea during the week is intended to meet with the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un. The agenda of the meeting will be on nuclear weapons program of North Korea and other matters affecting north and south relations in the Korean peninsula.

Ban Kim-moon’ office reveals that the U.N. Chief is ready to assume any role in the dialogue, if only to enhance “stability and peace between the two Korean countries or the Korean peninsula. Eri Kaneko, the U.N. Chief spokesperson told CNN that it is” looking closely into matter”.

Although, there are information leaks on the planned visit, but the office of the U.N. Secretary General refuse to give comments on the status of the planned visit whether this will push through or not.

But, in contrast to the earlier news of the visit, the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will no longer visit North Korea next week. If, and when the U.N. Chief visit the reclusive North Korean state, on thing is sure, he will definitely meet the supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the first time in over two decades.