Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

EU support Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve waste management

EU support Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve waste management

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s canton will benefit from the new project on waste management funded by the EBRD and the Western Balkans Investment Framework.

Eko-Sep, a regional waste management company established by the three municipalities Zivinice, Kladanj, Banovici in the canton of Tuzla included in the waste management project by EU, EBRD and Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF).

Up to date, the EBRD has invested more than €2.5 billion to the country’s private sector, infrastructure, municipalities and public health through 166 projects.

The €5 million loan and grant from EBRD will finance the construction of a new sanitary landfill and a recycling yard which will serve the biggest of ten cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The European Union, bilateral donors and beneficiary countries cooperating under the Western Balkans Investment Framework support the project with a €374,400 grant for the supervision of project implementation while Sweden has expressed strong interest to co-finance the project with a € 2.5 million grant.

The multimillion project will help to provide a systematic solution to waste management in the canton. The responsible waste management will make closer to targets set by the National Solid Waste Management Strategy, which identifies the construction of regional sanitary landfills as a prerequisite. Currently, only six of 16 landfills in Bosnia and Herzegovina meet EU standards, Tuzla authorities said.

“We are pleased to support Tuzla Canton to upgrade the quality of services it provides to 180,000 of its citizens. Improved waste management and recycling not only promote the green economy in the country but also reduce environmental risks such as groundwater contamination,” Manuela Naessl, EBRD Head of Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina, said.

The EBRD remains the leading investor in infrastructure, municipal services, renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Western Balkans. Manuela Naessl added that the financial body looks forward to continuing our work with the government to improve services for citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.