Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

Chinese Xi Jinping to visit North Korea for denuclearization talks

Chinese Xi Jinping to visit North Korea for denuclearization talks

Chinese leader Xi Jinping will pay an official visit to North Korea, Xinhua news agency reported. This week, China is ready to discuss and deepen the denuclearization talks as well as to set the priorities in the sphere of economic relations between the two countries.

President Xi Jinping set to become the first Chinese president to travel to North Korea in 14 years, the Chinese state-run news agency reported on Monday.

According to Xinhua, Mr Xi’s visit on Thursday and Friday came at the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The two Asian leaders will meet during the two-day trip to discuss the latest developments in the regions, including Pyongyang’s nuclear programme.

The visit will “inject new momentum” in China-North Korea relations, officials from the Chinese Communist Party’s International Department said at a Monday news briefing.

Chinese President’s trip coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states. Despite the headlines, the upcoming meeting will throw up no surprises and planned to be largely “symbolic”.

China does adhere to international sanctions on North Korea’s nuclear program. But it does support diplomatic solutions and the opening up of North Korea’s economy. However, China will not unilaterally start to ease sanctions, that position will be a reasonable start for the talks between Mr Xi and Kim Jong Un.