Today: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 year

Biden’s support among Arab Americans has plummeted.

Biden’s support among Arab Americans has plummeted.

Support for US President Joe Biden among Arab American voters has fallen threefold compared to the previous election season due to his position in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a study by the Arab American Institute shows.

The survey, with 900 respondents, was conducted in four US states considered “key” by the researchers: Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“President Biden continues to receive less than 20% of the Arab-American vote, a sharp contrast to the nearly 60% of the Arab-American vote received in 2020,” the publication said.

In absolute numbers, the researchers estimated the Democratic candidate’s losses in four states at 177 thousand votes, including 91 thousand in Michigan alone.

According to a survey, about a third of Arab-American voters are ready to vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

On its website, the institute estimates the Arab-American population at 3.7 million, out of a total U.S. population of 342 million.

The main reason for the drop in Biden’s popularity from 59% to 18%, sociologists call the war in the Gaza Strip, where the US President continues to provide military and diplomatic support to Israel, despite numerous casualties among Palestinian civilians.