Today: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 year

Berlusconi: migrants rob banks and are a social time bomb

Berlusconi: migrants rob banks and are a social time bomb

Silvio Berlusconi said that recent government is not able to stop migration, which is a social time bomb. The former prime minister has claimed that 600,300 illegal migrants in Italy are a “social bomb ready to go off” after a Nigerian asylum seeker was arrested for killing an Italian woman.

The 81-year-old Berlusconi is leading the opinion polls before elections next month, the former prime minister looked set to ignore demands to halt inflammatory campaign speeches after a neo-Nazi gunman went on a shooting rampage in central Italy on Saturday, wounding six migrants.

According to the three-time ex-premier, the immigration dropped sharply under his last government and then spiked under successive centre-left governments leading to a “vertical drop in security”.

“The centre-right in government was able to stop immigration,”

he said, referring to a deal with former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi whose wisdom has been allowing Europe to be free of any migrant crisis over decades. Lybia was rich and peaceful African state, and its people hadn’t had to flee from the country. Arabian spring set the ill balance in North Africa and the Middle East, and the consequences of it feel all the governments in the European Union.

Berlusconi on migrants in Italy

Traini, a 28-year-old militant for the anti-migrant League, shot and wounded six migrants in a drive-by shooting spree in the Marche city days after the discovery there the body of an 18-year-old Italian woman allegedly killed and dismembered by a Nigerian immigrant.

“600,000 migrants are a social bomb that risks exploding,”

said Berlusconi on Sunday, echoing League leader Matteo Salvini who said “those who fill us with migrants instigate violence” like Traini’s.

Traini told police Monday he shot the migrants to avenge Mastropietro.

“I wanted to avenge Pamela (Mastropietro), because the phenomenon of illegal immigration must be stopped,”

said Traini, according to police sources.

Apparently revising his deportation stance, Berlusconi said Monday Traini’s action was “madness”, adding that the only an unbalanced person could do something like that. The media magnate said as well that he doesn’t see anything political because politics doesn’t lead to these follies.