Today: Thursday, 19 September 2024 year

Benito Mussolini’s great-grandson enters Italian politics with far-right party

Benito Mussolini’s great-grandson enters Italian politics with far-right party

Benito Mussolini’s great-grandsons and great-granddaughters are taking part in Italian politics, New York Post reported. Caio Mussolini, the 50-year-old ex-submariner has entered the political arena through the Italian far-right party.

Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini’s family is growing, some of its members  are choosing a political career. Caio Giulio Cesare Mussolini, the 50-year-old believes his experience gives him a background in international relations. Thus, the great-grandson of a dictator is running as a candidate for the far-right Brothers of Italy in the upcoming European Union elections.

The candidacy of Mussolini was officially announced by the party leader Giorgia Meloni over the weekend. Caio’s political ambitions follow that of his second cousins, Alessandra Mussolini (52), an EU parliamentarian for Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party, and Rachele Mussolini (44), a Rome city council member. Definitely, the Mussolini clan doesn’t want to live in shadow.

Caio, the former submariner in the Italian navy, would be the third descendant of famous Benito to hold public office. In his interview to The Times of London, Caio said he is sharing ideas about retaking sovereignty, protecting our country and the family. The ordinary set of ideas for the political candidate in any country, indeed.

Talking to the press, Caio Mussolini said he hopes to be judged by his experience, not his famous name. Prior to entering the politics, he was the Middle East representative for the country’s largest defence company.

The political debut of the latest Mussolini led to protests over the weekend and even included Facebook taking down his profile. The candidate said Tuesday his profile had been restored, with apologies.