Today: Thursday, 24 October 2024 year
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The Chinese Embassy in the United States protested the arrest of Chinese citizens.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States protested the arrest of Chinese citizens.

Chinese diplomats strongly protested to Washington in connection with the arrest and charges of supplying substances for the production of drugs to Chinese citizens and Chinese companies.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States has issued serious statements and strong protests against the American side,” the Chinese Embassy in the United States said. The diplomatic mission calls the operation to detain Chinese citizens in a third country a “trap”.

Earlier on Friday, the US Department of Justice announced that four Chinese companies and eight Chinese citizens had been charged with supplying chemicals for the production of drugs to Mexico. Two Chinese citizens involved in the case were arrested in Hawaii during a special operation.

“This seriously violates the legitimate rights of Chinese citizens and companies. China strongly condemns such actions,” the diplomatic mission said in a statement.

Chinese diplomats point out that despite public statements of intention to resume bilateral dialogue on drug trafficking, the US is using “sanctions, charges and even traps” to punish Chinese citizens and companies, while ignoring China’s efforts to combat drugs.

“We call on the United States to stop blaming, humiliating and attacking China, immediately lift all sanctions against Chinese law enforcement agencies involved in the fight against drugs, stop using fentanyl issues as an excuse to impose sanctions, bring charges or offer rewards for hunting on Chinese companies and citizens, stop arbitrary detentions and immediately release illegally detained Chinese citizens,” the diplomatic mission said, stressing that China “will continue to do everything necessary to firmly protect the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens and companies.”

In early June, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions against a number of Chinese companies and citizens of the PRC for allegedly supplying cartels in Mexico with raw materials for the production of fentanyl, a drug destined for the US market. The PRC authorities have repeatedly stated that China has always resolutely fought against drug trafficking and has done everything possible to help the United States solve the fentanyl problem.