Today: Friday, 7 March 2025 year

Republic of Burundi: Oppositions and Government Collapse

A rapid escalation of violence and government collapse is threatening the landlocked country of Burundi in East Africa. Senior officials of UN is fearing the grave political crisis in Burundi,which led to hundreds of bloodsheds and refugees.

Burundi is at the risk of returning to civil war, BBC News reports.

Since April of this year, Burundi has been in political uproar, with hundreds of killings, endangering government authority, and worsening the human rights situations. Bodies are regularly deposited in the streets, especially in the capital city, Bujumbura.

The eruption of Burundi’s civil strife started at the ruling party’s initiative to elect President Pierre Nkurunziza as its candidate.

Jeffrey Feltman, UN Undersecretary –General for Political Affairs, have reported to the council the extreme violence happening in several neighborhoods in Bujumbura. An even more serious hostility comes from those who have been identified opponents of the re-election of President Nkurunziza for the third term in July, noting the exchanges of gunshots and grenade explosions, UN News Centre reports.

Adam Dieng, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General on the Prevention of Genocide, also urged the Council to intervene to prevent “a replay of past horror”. In the same way, Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, counseled Burundi not to repeat genocide which occurred in Rwanda in 1994.

To address the worsening situation in Burundi, President Nkurunziza set an ultimatum last week, demanding from Burundians to hand in their weapons. Those who would oppose this mandate would be labeled as enemies of the nation.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein also stated, if there was ever a time for [the President] and his Government to display courageous leadership, it is now.”

The political situation in Burundi cannot be resolve lightly, and since the UN Council has authority to intervene, it should only be appropriate to take actions that will lead to peace and eventually, political stability.