Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

US to ask NATO allies for 1,000 more troops for Afghanistan, said ambassador

US to ask NATO allies for 1,000 more troops for Afghanistan, said ambassador

The new US ambassador to the NATO informed that her country asks NATO allies to contribute around 1,000 extra troops. The fight against Taliban in Afghanistan demands more troops, said Kay Bailey Hutchison said on Thursday.

The US ambassador to NATO explained the intention of her country to ask for 1,000 more troops for Afghanistan. According to Kay Bailey Hutchison, the forces would add to the roughly 3,000 US troops who are already on their way to Afghanistan.

President Donald Trump approved the new strategy of the fighting against the Taliban, so additional 1,00 troops will help in the battle against the Taliban. Since 2014 when NATO started to withdraw its troops, jihadists got a control on large areas of Afghanistan and are staging attacks that have killed thousands of Afghan soldiers and police.

The US ambassador about increasing the troops in Afghanistan

Hutchison said Washington wanted to see “1,000 or so allied troops” join the increased US presence. Earlier, President Trump announced that as part of his Afghanistan strategy, warfighters would see restrictions lifted and authorities expanded.

Now, after Kay Bailey Hutchison’s request, there is a sense of just what Donald Trump meant in his August speech about Afghanistan.