The UN Security Council on Friday condemned the next missile launches by North Korea. Such a repeatedly action of the DPRK’s government showed the absolutely ignoring the international norm and regulation in the field of nuclear tests.
The UN Security Council made an official statement regarding the recent missiles launches by North Korea. The UNSC condemned this action. Despite all UN resolutions issued for many years, North Korea is going on to make missiles launches from its submarines, the recent one was registered on Wednesday.
According to the data of UN, missiles flew about 500 km in the direction of Japan. The United Nations and its Security Council said in the official statement:
“The members of the Security Council deplore all Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ballistic missile activities.”
These words of the UNSC referred not only to the Wednesday’s launch but all such an activity of North Korean, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the United Nations: “Such activities contribute to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s development of nuclear weapons delivery systems and increase tension,” said the statement.