Today: Saturday, 15 February 2025 year

Time to check breeding of mosquitoes’ larvae to decrease malaria, dengue fever

Time to check breeding of mosquitoes’ larvae to decrease malaria, dengue fever

The Indian experts believe that deadly disease like dengue fever or malaria could be controlled by check breeding of mosquitoes’ larvae. However, the proper action both by the concerned government authorities and individuals should be taken well in time.

The Indian health experts expressed their vision on the rising risk of facing a possible outbreak of dengue fever in the coming weeks and causing a spread of malaria at the time. Both April and May are crucial months for the mosquito Aedes Aegypti population, so, the scientists suggest that it is time to check breeding of mosquitoes’ larvae to decrease malaria and dengue fever.

In India, the recent heavy rains would help to create more pockets inside and outside homes for mosquitoes’ breeding along with causing the creation of unnecessary water accumulation on under construction sites, on rooftops in discarded cans and like utensils that may help larval growth.

In addition to rain, the rise in mercury level and the rise of temperature in India may help to create possible breeding sites for larvae of mosquitoes putting the local citizens at risk of facing an epidemy of dengue fever in the coming weeks. As the higher temperature is as favourable for breeding of mosquitoes including Aedes Aegypti, the vector that causes dangerous diseases, said District Health Officer Islamabad Dr Muhammad Najeeb Durrani.

Dehydrating eggs of mosquitoes decreasing the chances of growth of larvae

According to Dr Durrani, the eggs laid down by mosquitoes months back would start hatching at the time and the unchecked larval growth would result in greater density of mosquitoes. The recent rains would provide water to the eggs of mosquitoes increasing the chances of growth of larvae and to avoid it, immediate removal of water accumulation is needed, he adviced.

In fact, only by elimination of possible breeding sites of mosquitoes from inside homes, the chances of a possible outbreak of dengue fever can be reduced to a significant extent, he said.

The Indian experts add that the district health office has already started activities to check breeding of mosquitoes and lady health workers have also started door-to-door awareness campaign to educate public on how to avoid breeding of mosquitoes inside homes.