Today: Sunday, 16 February 2025 year

Sweden rethinks 50-person limit on public events

Sweden rethinks 50-person limit on public events

Sweden’s government is looking into granting exceptions for seated events to increase a current 50-person limit.

In Sweden, the limit on public events would remain at 50, however, some events’ audience could be bigger, the officials believe. Despite the health situation was much better than in spring, the Cabinet is taking time to make such a serious decision.

“We are still in the middle of a pandemic and necessary restrictions need to remain. The danger is far from over,” said Interior Minister Mikael Damberg.

The maximum number of people allowed at a public event was limited to 500 in early March, before being further reduced to 50 people later that month.

The current rule still applies to events such as concerts, conferences, and sports matches, but not to private events such as parties or in common public places like schools, workplaces or shopping malls.

COVID-19 situation in Sweden is far from safe now

On Friday, Sweden government was looking into changing of a 50-person limit at events. As well as allowing for exceptions to that cap, the proposals would also make event organisers responsible for ensuring attendees can keep the two-metre social distance.

According to the head of interior ministry, current limit will stay in place as a “blunt tool” since it doesn’t currently grant any exemptions for events that have the possibility to be held in an infection-safe way. However, the government is now investigating introducing exemptions for events with seated audiences.

This will apply to events such as sports matches or performances where attendees are seated, with two metres between groups. Meantime, the Public Health Agency will update its existing recommendations so that events can be held in an infection-safe way.

“This will be done in close dialogue with representatives of the sport and culture sectors, and other affected sectors,” said Culture and Democracy Minister Amanda Lind.

She noted as well that the sports and culture sectors have been particularly hard hit by the effects of the epidemic, including the limit on events.