Today: Monday, 17 February 2025 year

Hugh Jackman in Logan: ‘Making violent films is like therapy for me’

Hugh Jackman in Logan: ‘Making violent films is like therapy for me’

Hugh Jackman gave a short interview, in which he explained why he likes to shoot in the violent films. This year, the Australian star put away the adamantium claws of Wolverine, leaving behind the era of nine-film-saga.

Hugh Jackman’s fans are sad today because of their idol is stepping down, the Wolverine performer played this animal one last time in “Logan,” definitely violent movie. Hugh explained why he likes to shoot in such a movies:

 ‘Making violent films is like therapy for me,’

said actor.

Last weekend, Jackman thanked to his fans fr their love and support over the multiyear period. The Australian actor has released a sweet thank-you video on his Instagram account. The video begins with the warm words, “Thank you to all the fans for 17 awesome years! –HJ.”

The long history of HJ as one of the Marvel superhero started in 2000, that time the “X-Men” showed new hights and perspectives for the cinema world. Another episode ‘Logan’ topped the weekend box office ($85.3 mln in North America).

At the final of the clip, handsome and polite Hugh again thanks the fans for their years of support.

The video became viral in hours, it had more than 956,000 views and more than 14,000 comments. A typical fan response was this one, from s_ruvin:

“You’ll always be Wolverine for us … no one can replace you!! Thank you for the years!!”