Today: Friday, 7 February 2025 year

FAA: new rules for drones

FAA: new rules for drones

Drone pilots are happy now: finally, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published its much-belated rule to govern the commercial use of small, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) weighing less than 55 pounds. In other words, from now commercial operators won’t need a pilot’s license after all.

UAV guidelines were the subject of discussion for several years. Since 2012, when U.S. Congress passed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act, the regulations and the final decision regarding licensing the drone’ pilots was unclearly indeed.

Now FAA issued, at last, it new regulation, called Part 107, which made happy in one second million of drone pilots across the U.S. The FAA gives photographers, filmmakers, journalists, aerial surveyors, real-estate agents, farmers, ranchers—virtually anyone—permission to use a drone in their profession. From August 1, 2016, however—it is an official date for using given FAA permission, don’t be confused with your drone activity until this date.

There’re no changes regarding the small (sub-55-pound) recreational drones. According to explanation of Les Dorr, a spokesperson with the FAA, using drone just for fun should abide the “Special Rule for Model Aircraft” too:

“The hobbyists still have to operate under the model aircraft rule that Congress set up in 2012.”