Today: Saturday, 15 February 2025 year

Demonstration against militarism and rising prices takes place in Berlin.

A demonstration organized by the left-wing association Umverteilen (“Distribution”) is taking place in Berlin against rising prices, militarism and the supply of arms.

The protesters gathered in front of the Red Town Hall in the city center, then they will follow one of the main roads of the city of Friedrichstrasse to the metropolitan area of ​​Kreuzberg.

“Rent has long been too high, electricity prices too. Heating costs are becoming unbearable. You can forget about going to the movies with children. Butter is more expensive than three euros and doner kebab is a luxury item. <…> Who will be responsible for this? You are talking about eight percent inflation, but we notice that many prices have doubled, but not our salaries and pensions, “the announcement on the association’s website says.

The demonstrators are also dissatisfied with the fact that in the current situation the authorities are spending billions of euros on weapons, and the announced package of assistance to the population and companies does not cover inflation.

At the protest itself, which was visually estimated to have gathered more than a thousand people, the participants demand the distribution of property and wealth, as well as fairness in the housing stock of overcrowded Berlin.

One of the organizers of the event reminded over the loudspeaker about the ban on the use of signs of party affiliation and flags of countries at the demonstration, and also called for unity.

According to him, the German government and NATO are engaged in fueling costly military conflicts, while sacrificing the well-being of citizens.

“Our class – workers, pensioners, students – will continue to take to the streets, we will not be shut up with disposable handouts. We will not allow them to enrich themselves and incite wars at our expense,” he said.

He was supported by another speaker, who noted that the conflict in Ukraine is not about red lines, as the authorities say, but in the interests of enriching European governments.