Today: Sunday, 12 January 2025 year

Austria rejects asylum seeker because he didn’t ‘act or dress’ gay

Austria rejects asylum seeker because he didn’t ‘act or dress’ gay

Austria’s government keeps the hard-line regarding migrants, Falter reported on Wednesday. This week, the asylum application of the 18-year-old Afghan claiming to be gay was questioned. The Lower Austrian officials have rejected his application because he did not “act” or “dress” like a gay.

After the rejecting one Afghan’s asylum application, because he wasn’t looking like a gay, Austria’s interior ministry said Wednesday that it could not comment on the specific case. However, the Austrian officials are currently working with the UNHCR to offer further training on LGBT issues to “ensure quality” in the asylum evaluation process.

Homosexuality is illegal in Afghanistan’s conservative, highly gender-segregated society. Meanwhile, an official in Lower Austria state decided that a fear of persecution based on the untraditional sexual orientation of the 18-year-old Afghan is not enough to allow him to stay in Austria. The local newspaper Falter quotes the official’s decision:

“The way you walk, act or dress does not show even in the slightest that you could be homosexual.”

The Afghan, who came to Austria alone as a minor, is going to appeal the decision despite the Austrian official found “potential for aggression”, because the 18-year-old Afghan fought with other tenants in the charity accommodation that houses them. According to the official, such an aggressive behaviour is very unexpected for a homosexual.

Austria’s interior ministry said Wednesday that the local officials will be additionally trained on LGBTQ aspects to improve quality in the asylum evaluation process.