Today: Friday, 7 March 2025 year

An earthquake of magnitude 4.2 occurred in Italy.

An earthquake of magnitude 4.2 occurred in Italy.

An earthquake of magnitude 4.2 occurred on Wednesday night in the large volcanic region of the Phlegrean Fields, located near Naples, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy (Ingv) reported on its website.

According to seismologists, the strongest earthquake was recorded at 03.35. The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 3 kilometers. The vibrations of the earth’s surface were clearly felt by the residents of Naples and surrounding villages. On Tuesday evening, tremors of magnitude 2 and 2.2 were recorded in this area.

According to the news channel RaiNews24, at the moment when the earthquake occurred, many residents of the area were seized with panic, people ran out of their houses into the street in fear.

The Italian National Civil Protection Service immediately established contact with local authorities. There have been no reports of casualties as a result of the earthquake at this time.

According to local journalists, chaos broke out on Wednesday morning at Naples Central Station. To carry out an urgent check of the condition of the railway tracks after the earthquake, the movement of almost all trains in the territory of the Naples province is currently suspended. As a result, a large number of passengers have accumulated at the station, awaiting the departure of their trains. The Naples metro also temporarily stopped operating.

Currently, the Phlegrean fields are a caldera (a basin of volcanic origin) with a diameter of 15 kilometers, which formed on the site of an ancient volcano about 12 thousand years ago. A significant part of it is under water.