Today: Thursday, 24 October 2024 year
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Greta Thunberg joined protests against the construction of a highway in France.

Greta Thunberg joined protests against the construction of a highway in France.

Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg arrived in the French department of Tarn, where a protest against the construction of the A69 Toulouse-Castres highway is taking place, and joined the protesters, radio station France Bleu reports.

“Climate activist Greta Thunberg has arrived in the “zone to be protected”… Thousands of opponents of the highway are expected, access to the zone is filtered by gendarmes, it is impossible to get there except on foot,” the radio station reported on Saturday.

In the photo published by the radio station’s website, Thunberg herself is seen next to other participants with a hood on her head and a scarf with a Palestinian pattern tied around her neck.

The prefect of the department, Michel Villebois, said on Franceinfo radio that “there are no problems” with the activist’s arrival “on private territory,” recalling that demonstrations “on public roads” are prohibited.

Earlier it was reported that the local prefecture banned a gathering of activists in the French department of Tarn against the construction of the A69 motorway, citing risks of violation of law and order. Following this, about a hundred gendarmes began to disperse the activists using tear gas.

Subsequently, the prefecture reported on the successful removal of the barricades set up by activists.