Today: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 year

Xi Jinping called for the realization of the Palestinian people’s right to life.

Xi Jinping called for the realization of the Palestinian people’s right to life.

The Palestinian people’s right to life and the establishment of a state must be realized as soon as possible, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his message on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

“The Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations must be resumed as soon as possible, and the rights of the Palestinian people to statehood, survival and return must be realized as soon as possible,” the cable said, the text of which was distributed on Thursday by China Central Television.

Xi Jinping also stressed that the painful lesson of the vicious circle of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict demonstrates that only by adhering to the concept of common security can sustainable security be achieved.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday published a five-point document outlining China’s position on resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Beijing, in particular, calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities, protection of civilians, and calls the way out of the situation a return to the “Two States for Two Peoples” plan and the creation of an independent Palestinian state based on the borders of 1967 with its capital in East Jerusalem.