Today: Wednesday, 22 January 2025 year

Venezuela opposition set for mass protest against President Maduro

Venezuela opposition set for mass protest against President Maduro

Venezuelans are expected to join a march on Wednesday in a bid to topple President Nicolás Maduro’s government. the opposition leader and National Assembly president Juan Guaido has vouched for the US support, BBC reported.

The Venezuelan protests will mark 61 years since the fall of the country’s military dictatorship in 1958. Monday’s demonstration was quickly put down. Twenty-seven soldiers were arrested and authorities claimed they confessed to handing out weapons to opposition activists “so they can carry out acts of violence, (cause) injuries and deaths during the protest.”

National Assembly president Juan Guaidó, who has organised the demonstration, called it a “historic appointment with the people”. Guaido has acknowledged as much, taking into account he confessed he needs the help of the people and the military to achieve his political aims.

Meanwhile, the US Vice-President Mike Pence has signalled his support, according to the Wall Street Journal. Mr Pence said the US “strongly supports the National Assembly and Mr Guaidó”. Talking about Venezuela’s perspectives, he added that Nicolas Maduro has no legitimate claim to power.” “Nicolás Maduro must go,” Pence wrote.

After such words, Nicolas Maduro accuses Mike Pence of trying to force a coup as Venezuela braces for massive rival protests. Additionally, Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the state prosecutor to investigate whether Mr Guaidó had committed a crime.

“Tomorrow is about reuniting as a people to tell the world about the steps we’re going to take to end the usurpation, to achieve a transitional government and a free election,” Guaido promised on Wednesday.