Today: Saturday, 8 February 2025 year

Trump’s refugee ban puts Syrian lives at risk, Medecins Sans Frontieres said

Trump’s refugee ban puts Syrian lives at risk, Medecins Sans Frontieres said

Trump’s decision to stop resettlement of Syrian refugees is a very dangerous one, said at the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on Monday. This measure will cost lives, warns the medical charity, while other similar organisations like UNHCR or IOM were not available to comment.

Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) has released an official statement on Monday, which reflect the position of this charity towards the Trump’s refugee ban. From Friday, the whole world is responding to this unpredictable decision of the 45th President of the US. In the statement, executive director of MSF-USA Jason Cone stressed:

“The president’s executive order will effectively keep people trapped in war zones, directly endangering their lives. Slamming shut the doors to the United States of America, which has rigorously vetted refugees for years, is an attack on the basic accepted notion that people should be able to flee for their lives.”

Mr Cone’s fears, alas, are well founded: every day the medical teams of The MSF and other humanitarian organisations see how the Syrian civilians are desperately seeking safety at closed borders and in war zones from which they just cannot flee. At the very moment, it’s impossible for refugees to leave the hell Syrian trap.

Medecins sand frontiers

Medecins sand frontiers and the UN agencies in Syria

The Syrian region is severely affected by armed conflict, the local population has no access to health care at all, so their only hope is the international organisations like MSF. The doctors from MSF have always been at the forefront of military conflicts in different parts of the world, and Syria is not an exception.

The statistics of the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) says 4.9 million Syrians are refugees in neighboring countries, while almost a million have fled to Europe. Additionally, more than 6 million became the persons displaced within Syria. All these figures aren’t sharp and accurate, the real data is even higher.

Trump’s immigrant ban: action and reaction

Donald Trump during his presidential race gave a lot of promises, many of them sounded strange. And while President Obama had an intention to increase the number of Syrian refugees admitted to the US, Trump made an opposite decision.

Last week, Trump’s office has banned entry of refugees and migrant from seven Muslim-majority countries: Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen. Such document signed by Trump drew a harsh criticism. However, on Sunday, the Trump’s team has tempered the ban by informing people who hold Green Cards (lawful permanent U.S. residents) would not be blocked.