Today: Saturday, 21 December 2024 year

Donald Trump ‘complained to Belgian PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in EU’

Donald Trump ‘complained to Belgian PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in EU’

Donald Trump met with the Belgian prime minister Charles Michel, newspaper Le Soir reported. The US president praised local chocolate and complained to the PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in the European Union.

The US President highly appreciated the gift from the Belgian government, in his conversation with Charles Michel, Trump said that chocolate is ‘the best’. Immediately after such compliment, the American leader explained his ambivalent attitude towards the EU. According to Trump, ha faced the negative consequence trying to set up businesses, notably golf resorts, in Europe.

The Belgian press noted that Donald Trump made a lot of references to his personal journey. He explained, for example, the functioning of Europe on the basis of his difficulties in doing business in Ireland. In short, Trump sees whole the world as the place for his own personal business, that is rather unusual for the leader of the great nation. Probably, Trump is not a man of politics but of business.

The Brussels paper echoes:

‘Donald Trump had no idea of the economic weight of Belgium and even less of what the country represents for trade with the United States. Then he was introduced to the thing in a very visual way. But the president only gave vague attention to it.’

Donald Trump, G7, and Macron

Donald Trump joined EU and NATO leaders who gathered Brussels for the G7 summit in Taormina, Sicily. In particular, Trump had spoken favourably of Marine Le Pen but didn’t forget to inform Emmanuel Macron: “You were my guy” in the presidential vote.

G7 summit started on Friday in Taormina, the local gelateria has come up with a special ice cream it is calling The Trump Cup. Three scoops of gelato in red, white and blue represent the US flag, while the piece de la resistance is a wisp of spun sugar, to evoke the Republican President’s peculiar hair style.