Meghan Markle has announced on Friday that her lifestyle blog is closed. The actress and blogger decided to shutter her site The Tig three years after she launched it.
Meghan Markle’s ‘passion project’, her blog The Tig is closed, on Friday the Suits star wrote the farewell letter to all the supporters and followers. Meghan explained the reasons of such her decision and said a lot of warm words to her fans who loved her site The Tig over three years:
‘What began as a passion project (my little engine that could) evolved into an amazing community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity.’
The 35-year-old actress is extremely busy now, so, running the blog become more and more hard for her. Moreover, Meghan’s personal life has changed a lot, too. Ms Markle is dating Prince Harry for half a year, at least, the romance is getting hotter day by day. So, it was a right time to say goodbye to the blog. Nobody knows, maybe Meghan soon will open another blog, as a royal?

Meghan thanked her contributors and followers for turning her ‘passion project’ into an ‘amazing community’
‘After close to three beautiful years on this adventure with you, it’s time to say goodbye to The Tig,’
Meghan Markle wrote in her letter to the fans of The Tig on Friday.