Today: Wednesday, 22 January 2025 year

In Britain, it was talked about a sex scandal involving members of parliament.

In Britain, it was talked about a sex scandal involving members of parliament.

Members of the UK Parliament have allegedly been spotted associating with sex workers during foreign visits, according to the British newspaper Times.

“Members of the British Parliament during a foreign visit were met by sex workers,” wrote columnist Henry Zeffman.

According to him, parliamentarians were warned that such behavior posed a risk to them because of the threat of blackmail.
The allegations will raise further questions about the purpose of cross-party parliamentary groups (APPGs), informal bodies of MPs and peers that meet to discuss specific topics.

Some of these groups, the journalist said, organize business trips in a format in which all expenses are paid from the budget. It is these trips that can serve for entertainment purposes at the expense of taxpayers.

“Bad behavior is simply overwhelming,” an unnamed government source told.

He also added that if representatives of an unfriendly state receive photographs or other evidence of defiant behavior of parliamentarians, this could turn into a big problem for the country.