Today: Wednesday, 22 January 2025 year

German Economy Minister allowed Germans to be forced to save heat in apartments

German Economy Minister allowed Germans to be forced to save heat in apartments

German Economics Minister Robert Habeck is considering forcing Germans to save energy through law.

Commenting on Russia’s 60 percent reduction in gas supplies to Germany, the German Economy Minister said on ARD television:
“If storage volumes do not increase, then we will have to take additional measures to save money. If it is necessary and by law.”

The German Association of Cities and Municipalities has already called for a significant reduction in the minimum temperature in houses and apartments. Until now, landlords have been required to guarantee a room temperature between 20 and 24 degrees. Now this is up for debate.

“This needs to be changed. Even in an apartment with 18 or 19 degrees, one can still live well, and everyone should be able to endure this relatively small sacrifice,” said Gerd Landsberg, director of the association.

When Khabek was asked if he was considering lowering the set minimum temperature in apartments, the minister replied that he “hadn’t done it intensively yet” but noted that “we’ll look at all the laws.